Having an unwell hubby at the same time... Tougher..
You being unwell as well.. Priceless!!!
I'm not a winter person at all. In fact I downright hate the cold season. I'm pure sunshine.
So when the winter started settling into Jaipur I started getting upset. But not as much as till my little bumble bee's nose started to leak :(
I had already started layering him good... But the maid's daughter had a cough and you know how quickly that can spread.
So poor little bumling was miserable because he had no idea why so much goo was coming out of his nose! It was just heartbreaking (and super cute) to hear his sneezes... But when the cough hit... The cuteness went out the window.
I know I know that a baby's sickness is far worse on the parents but trust me this cough of his was just horrible.
Then Aadi started sneezing the very next day. So bad that he set himself up in quarantine in the next bedroom...which left me and bumbling together all night.
I had to keep him in bed with me, which meant loads of kicks and punches, but at least he was comforted... In fact it was so cute, he actually came cuddling up to me once or twice!!!
Nights, the cough was bad... We gave him allopathy that his doc prescribed... But I really wanted to try some home remedies. So I put it out there on the first moms club on facebook, and got so many responses it was heart warming!
I applied Vicks on his feet, put sarson ka oil on his chest and back and gave him ginger and tulsi water to drink.
He's much much better now.
It's taken a good five days for him to feel better. In the mean while I got sick... The cold and cough hit me as well :( it was pretty damn exhausting I have to admit. But super mommy that I am, I got some crazy energy from god knows where and looked after him non stop!!
Ma was a big big help.... I would do an all nighter with Sid and then pack him off to her at around seven in the morning so I could catch a quick nap!
To top the cake, she caught the cold as well on sid's fifth day!!!! Luckily by then Aadi was better and he and I took turns!!!
Ha ha ha!!!
What was truly truly sad, was that we were to go to Delhi the day after he got sick. All plans had been made, Aadi's cousins were coming down from the US and Malaysia. One of them has a little baby girl, sid's little cousin!! And we were all soooooo looking forward to the two of them meeting up :(
Till the last minute Ma and I were trying to figure ways to just push off... Since cousins from abroad come so rarely.... But when Aadi fell sick all plans just fell apart:(
Hopefully next time!
So we are all much better now...
The only thing I learnt is that when your baby isn't well, go to the doc immediately. I know most people will say wait, try home remedies first, maybe homeopathy or Ayurveda, but honestly, even though I did try a few things, I think it's better to give him medicines and let him suffer less you know.
Do the home remedies, but a good medicine and you'll see him doing better sooner.
Colds and coughs are tough on us, I personally hate hate hate having a cold, can't even imagine what this poor thing must have gone thru :(
Awwwww! Poor thing he looks miserable. Wish him a speeeedyy recovery