Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Potty training... A whole new world...

Potty training....note: not for the faint hearted!

The next major step in mommy land.... 

This ones a big one... And seriously someone should give out medals for achieving this.... 

You know when Siddy was born and the first day he peed on me, I said "hah... This is going to be such a normal thing for me now... All this peeing and pooping... It can't faze me" 

Yes he has since frequently peed on me, Aadi and everyone who has changed his diaper when he was a baby... We have also had some pretty messy poopy situations... I won't get into details... But if you're a mum I know you're nodding your head in agreement!! 

But here is the truth... Over the last 18 months... I have come to realise... That it will faze you and you will go back to finding it unbelievably icky....viewing poop in your living room is a sight you don't get over!!

And that's what happens when you start the potty susu training.... 

We started a while ago... In the summer,,,when he was walking around and the weather was good... We'd leave him butt naked for a few hours a day....

Oh that butt!!!! It's seriously the most bite- able thing in the world!!! Baby's bums are like two little yummy donuts that you can't get enough of!!! 

And while you are staring at that cute bum... Poop poop!!! 

Ha ha ha ha ya killed it I know... But that's exactly how it goes down! 

Potty training is a lot of hard work... More than getting them to eat.., eating in comparison is is a cake walk....

1. First you have to understand what his pee intervals are... For this you will experience a couple of unannounced pee sessions... Where you will enter a room, see water on the floor be thoroughly confused and then realise he has peed there.... It takes some time... But you start to get an idea... 

2. Once you know he goes every say hour and a half, this also depends on the weather, you need to take him to the loo every hour and a half... Stand there and make that buzzing sound... You know what I'm taking about !!!!! Or you need to run the tap on slow... So he hears the water running and it makes him go... 

3.All thru I would say 'okie Siddy now pee pee' or ' okie now do susu' word association is very important. This helps because once he starts saying words he will use these to tell you he needs to go...

4. Make a big deal when he does pee... Clap your hands and say 'yayie baby you did susu... Such a good boy you are' there was a time Siddy would clap every time he did susu!!! 

5. Also start associating the bathroom with doing susu.... So when you are taking him say " baby now we are going to the bathroom to do susu okie..." Or when he does it in another room say " baby no doing susu in the kitchen only in the bathroom" 

Siddy is now pretty trained to tell us he needs to go susu in the bathroom.... He will hold my hand and say ' mumma susu.... Or mumma bathroom' and off we go.... 

Also very important the days he does pee or poop in the living room or bedroom.. Make sure not to yell at him... It's very important they do not associate shame with pooping and peeing... Trust me I have heard of cases where the kids feel so bad they control it to the point that they don't poop and get constipated... And they don't potty train easily too.. So be firm say " no no... No susu here, susu in bathroom" but no "bad boy.., what did you do?"

Potty training for us has pretty much just started.... In fact we only just bought him his little potty seat. And he freaks out every time I make him sit on it...

But few months ago we started cleaning his bum in the bathroom after every potty session rather than just using wipes... We have even made him balance on the toilet and washed his bum so he gets an idea and feel of it... 

He loves the word 'potty' but doesn't always say it before going... Some days he says it after going... Minus the diaper.


But we are getting somewhere... And hopefully the little potty seat should help... Hey if he can get susu trained I'm sure this will happen too... Soon!!! 

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