Sunday, 24 August 2014

Mommies of pre schoolers talent search...

Siddy loves school... One of my biggest blessings in life to be honest.... The first week of seeing him upset and crying when I would leave was way too heart breaking.... But even watching him skip into school with out giving me a second look is a bit heart breaking as well....:(

But what today's post is about is the 'Mommies of pre schoolers talent search'

Which mommy can make the best tiffin, which one is a crafter? Which one is an artist... Which one can teach the kid to dance... Blah blah blah....

A while ago on Fmc, a mommy asked for recipes of multi coloured food because the kid was studying colours in class and the teacher had asked them to get multi coloured food in their tiffins... 

Who you testing people??? And did you loose all your crayons in class????

Yes ok I get you want to involve the parents ... And that's great... But sometimes I feel the mommies can also get a bit too competitive and that just ruins the day for the kid. One kid has his super fancy rainbow lunch and one just has three fruits chopped up real quick and stuffed into a box.... Not cool....

Someone once told me that for slightly older kids, the parents were given activities like water the garden or go post a letter at the local post office and such with either the mommy or the daddy and then write a small write up about it. Cool. 

I like this idea... Make them do things together... Make them create things together... These are good things.... Especially with dads... Who because of work usually don't get or take the effort to do these things with their kids... 

And God forbid the days they have to dress up! Oh my god... I'm a DIY Queen and I was lost!!! 

One day a duck then next week a spider! 

Siddy hates extra things on his clothes... More often that not he hates his clothes... He hates longs sleeves and loves he idea of playing with our hat collection but never keeps one on too long... 

So making him wear something that would resemble a duck or an eight legged spider... Ha ha ha ha ha!!! 

However here I will play the devils advocate... So the day I made him into a duck (pics to follow, hang on people) I did things last minute but they turned out kinda cute... But when I reached school I saw that just one other kids mum had taken the effort... Of the rest a few wore yellow t shirts but that's about it... 

So the next time I felt kinda blah to put in any effort as well.... Though in my defence early in the morning I did stuff six socks with wool and tried stitching them to siddy's spider man onsie to resemble the spiders legs....!!!

Not only did he Hate them... Aadi didn't think they looked good... So we just sent him in his spider man onsie.,,,:( 

My conclusion to this talent search thing is that while it's great to encourage the kids... And do fun stuff with them... As long as there isn't this sense of upping the other mother I guess it's ok....and also I feel the school should plan these days better... Like not have something major two weeks consecutively.,, it's tough for working mums..... Give them a two week break between each activity day.... 

But hey.... These fancy dress days are really super cute... I wish he other kids in his school had enthu mums ... Would have made for some cute pictures!!

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