Monday, 11 August 2014

The nanny diaries.....

Did I tell you about the little girl who comes to siddy's school with two nannies? One carries her and the other carries her school bag... And she is all of 20 months...

Isn't that a bit much? 

Yes, have a maid to help.. But help includes, at least according to me, cleaning up the toys after you and the little one are done playing, or heating up his milk for you to feed him... Not for bathing him, feeding him, putting him to sleep, or playing,taking him to school, changing his clothes etc.

There is a bond between mommies and their babies that needs constant attention, constant cultivation... And I feel if the ayya is doing most of the things that bond gets lesser. 

I'm not saying be obsessed with your kid.. But not bathing him? I don't know it's just something I can't be ok with. 

When you give your little month old baby a bath, clean his tiny hands and feet... It's a magical feeling. I have always loved showering Siddy, I know every little bump on his body, I know the small hair growing on his knuckles, the little clay stuck in his little finger on his right hand, I know these things... Because I watch him so close each time I am with him. 

I love getting him dressed... Somedays are painful when he doesn't want to wear clothes and runs around butt naked.... But somedays he just lies down and happily let's me do my thing.... Both days have their fun moments!!! 

More often than not I feel he's like a little doll toy of mine that I can dress up, comb his hair, make him wear his tiny little shoes it's so much fun! 

And playing with him... He loves all his cars and his big truck... He kisses his dog and then makes me kiss him too.... He babbles all his little stories which is just so adorable.....

Even just watching him play is amazing. He's a very quiet kid,.. He sits with all the utensils in the kitchen and has his own little party. He doesn't even need anyone near him when he goes into his these zones... All he needs are some pots and pans and a few spoons... And somedays I even put some mumra (murmura) in his bowls and he loves that! 

If I am not there to watch, how will I know he loves sitting at the window, that he loves playing wih switches and is fascinated when the lights come on, that he loves reading his books, that he can stare out and the window and recognise dogs? 

I don't want some third unrelated person knowing my baby better than me.... 

I've heard horror stories of how when a long time nanny left the mother was helpless doing the basic things like bathing and changing her child... How the little one cried and cried for the nanny.... 

Kids love the people who love them... The people who are there with them... The people who give them their time and attention.... They can tell genuine love from fake love... They really can... 

So keep a maid to help you... To make your life easier... But not to be you and lead your life.... Especially not the part that involves that little doll you and your husband created...! 



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