Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Sorry about the gaps!

I've been writing less.... And I'm not liking it.... Apparently friends aren't liking it either!! 

I had no idea how many 'regular' readers I have.... I mean people who don't necessarily wait for me to share a new post on facebook but actually go check my blog every other day....

To those: a big big thank you and an even bigger sorry!

An 18 month old is pure madness.... But an 18 month old with a mommy who wants to work... Well thats a whole other level of madness....!!

The last six months with the shift to Bombay and working and school and Aadi's new job and us wanting to catch up with every one we know.... It's been madly chaotic....

The other day I told a girl, married four years now and getting the not so subtle hints of having a baby, that you can only have a baby if you have a mommy!!!

And any mommy will do as long they are living with you! 

Seriously any work from my side and any night outs with friends is only possible because I know bumbling is with someone who will love him as much as I do... 

(Ok enough maska)

Coming back to the long gaps in my posts... Well it really is this big jumble of Siddy and my work... And because I love each one soooo much and because each is in such an infant stage, my older baby, my blog is getting neglected.... Though not as much as my crafty blog 'chroniclesofastayathome.blogspot.in' that poor thing I think is in coma!!

Funnily, these last six months have been so full of activity and change and madness but in all that actually sitting down to pen all of it down,just hasn't happened.... 

Even I'm aware that my last few posts have been very event centric... This happened so this happened and so I wrote about it... Not the way I would write about bumbling's every moment every movement every new quirk.... 

Well he definitely has developed a whole new bunch of quirks people... For starters he has discovered walking backward... He has this really naughty look in his face when he's doing it and he looks directly at us... It's a very 'stop me if you dare' look..... And he finds it super amusing when he bangs into something... Giving us mini heart attacks in the bargain....

And he loves utensils insanely... But give him a glass of water with them and he'll be your friend for life.... He will then proceed to pour the water into one pan, stir it with his wooden spoon (which is way longer than his own little arm) then pick up the pan and pour the contents into another pan, while spilling a bunch of water on the platform.... Then same bit of stirring and he attempts to put the water back into the glass... However there is no more water... and so... " mumma mumma mumma mumma .. Mum mum mum mum" the first being him calling me and the second his word for water.... 

It's a messy situation.., but like I always say... What gives me half an hour of my life back,., I'm ok with!!

Another new thing we have discovered is to upturn the small tables in the house and then try to straighten them, or climb into them, or push them around the living room or drag them till the scratchy sounds drives "mumma" completely mental!!!! 

He has just become such a boy... His need to show his strength has become insane!! 

He picks up the cooker (empty of course... What kinda mum you think I am?!!) with both his hands from the kitchen to the living room... He gets his truck off the table and onto the floor.... He actually just loves picking really big stuff and lugging it around the house!!!! 

You should come by someday unannounced and see the house... Just now... I have found a kadhai on the sofa in my room under my purse.... I have found his shoes in a big cardboard box which came with his new potty seat (yes we are getting potty trained... That's a whole other post!!) 

have picked up about three cars, four books, four soft toys, one spoon, one plate, two bowls, three pencils, a chalk well at least a piece of it, an empty water bottle and one pan from our living room today.... 

And this was a good day... No I am not exaggerating I'm serious... This kids attention span is minuscule... 

Plus he has the energy of a mad bull... To add to that we know exactly what we want and most importantly what we don't want...so I can't fool him with stuff anymore... I can't distract him with colourful toys when he wants to sit up on mums work table to draw... I can't show him the crow on the tree when I want to stuff his face with food.... Nope... When he's done he simply says " no no no" and walks away!!!! 

So you see what I'm dealing with?

Every time he does something funny I actually start to think of what my first line will be like in my next blog post about this and invariably something will come up.. And the thought will leave my head and by night there are no thoughts... It's all a big thick dense vague thought about sleep!!! 

So hang in there.. I have just made some quick notes topics and this week I'm going to get to them all!! 

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