Friday, 6 September 2013

So exhausted....

Some days are just plain exhausting...

The last two weeks for me have been mad to say the least. 

From hand making invites to planning and setting up a two day exhibition, to being there selling for two days.. Then to pack up...

All along with Sid's diaper changing, feeds, sleeping routines.... Even though I had a lot of help from home... It was still mad...

I knew working and looking after the baby would be tough... But what I didn't count on was everyone including me to fall sick :( that part was just super tough. 

Most often, what I realised was that it wasn't always just the chores that would get difficult, it was entertaining him... Having that up beat fun energy to get him to smile, or to simply engage him in a toy... Then feeding him... That takes a whole lot of energy too... By the last few bites he is done.. He'll literally start jumping off the bouncer when he doesn't want no more... Keeping him there and getting him to finish is crazy... I have to sing or make funny sounds or play lenka on Aadi's phone... 

But more than anything... Putting him to sleep on days that I'm tired are just like getting to the edge of the cliff... And if for any reason he decides to start crying in my ear... Well that's the thing to drive me off the cliff!!! 

Oh my god.... In my head I just want to run away.... And just keep running..... 

Then I calm down... Which calms him down... Then I sing softly... Which actually calms me down further... He starts putting his head on my shoulder... His eyes droop.. And finally he passes out.. And I lay him down on his bed.. Take a deep breath, tell him I love him... 

And go... To clean my room, put away my clothes, write my blog.... Still a hundred things to do... So exhausted.... 

But that's life... And it's a choice I have made... So I gotta keep on going!! 

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