Saturday 23 May 2015

Little tales!!


We're chilling in our room... Aadi has already knocked out.. I'm working and bumling is doing some timepass next to me... It's nearly 10:45 now and I want him to sleep but he isn't showing any signs of it.. 

So I start to sing 

"Did anybody tell ya... That your mamma she loves ya" 

It's one of my made up songs.. And it's a slow one, one I usually sing to him when he is sleepy.. 

And sure enough he goes..

' But that's the sleepy song no.....' 

Oh ok then!!! Sorry my bad!! 

Next thing you know he's listening to get lucky on the big headphones!!!


We're at my brothers place and bumling is refusing to eat... So my brother threatened to leave the house.. 

He still refused...

My brother gets up walks towards the door still threatening ...

Nope nothing.. 

Finally he opens then door and walks out..

And I'm like
'See mamu left the house because your not eating ' 

' He's not worn it his shoes' is the smart ass reply I get!!!! 


My friend is baby sitting him while I take a long happy shower and this is what happens.. 

She asked him 
'Are you scared of lizards?'

'In this house?' He asks her.. Because we had all three seen a big lizard in our old house and my friend and i had jumped up on the sofa!! 

'Ummmmm no in this house? ' he thinks a little ' I'm not sure' 

Hopefully he'll think about this and get back to us!!! 


This one day I had to go for work and he was really cranky so my mum told him that I was going to work and I would get him a fire engine... 

Ok now he's happy... He gives me a kiss and a hug and all suddenly!! 

I have to go to town so it's a really long day for me.. By the time i'm back he's done with his sleep even..

In fact I caught him when his eyes had just opened... So I went to him and gave him a big kiss..

He rubs his eyes, looks at me and says

'Mumma you're back?'

I smile, heart all melting, my baby missed me... 

'Yes baby' 

'Where is my fire engine?' 

Oops!!! Memory of a freaking elephant!!!! 

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