Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Day of Arrival!!!

Ok yes, I cried when I saw my bumling today......

well not exactly when I saw him a little before... but same thing....

let me start from the beginning.... So I got up and decide that since the li'l tornado was coming (as was the cleanliness inspector-ess?) I better get cleaning....

Then I had a good breakfast and pushed off to pick them up...I was cruising along listening to Mikey Mcleary's super chilled out album..... Mum calls midway to say she has landed....

Oh ho.... Now I'm worried.... but since they are waiting inside there was no reason to rush rush... anyone who has sat in my car will be relieved to know I didn't panic or drive fast... !!!

I was ok all the while... really looking forward to seeing Siddy.... and then just as I entered the airport, maybe it was the song playing or what I don't know... I had these big ... huge.... massive tears rolling down my cheeks.....

I got into the waiting line and called mum... and till they were in sight I was sniffling...!

But as soon as I saw him... Oh I was sooooooo happy.....

He looked different... He looked grown up...Ya I know its just been five days...but you know.... I picked him up and kissed him like a crazy lady!

He on the other hand was in full zombie mode.... Mum said he had just woken up... so he didn't even react to me... just stared away.... Mum was a doll... she drove while I sat with him, waiting for him to fully wake up...

And he did... slowly and steadily.... and once he realised he was in front of me (may have had something to do with my constant and non stop hugs and kisses!!!) he started hugging and kissing me back!!!

Oh how wonderful those hugs and kisses are I cant begin to explain to you.... its the softest... wettest feeling in the world!! ha ha ha ha ha!!

He has caught a bit of a cough and cold.... so he was a bit out the whole day...but still he played... and he destroyed the cleanliness of the house in about fifteen minutes!!

And when Aadi came.... he ran to the door and gave him such a big hug.... it was just adorable...!!!

Right now he's curled up next to me sleeping... and i couldn't be happier!!!

These trips better be far and few between!

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Day Five - The Panic Attack....

This morning I woke up with the worst ache in my heart..... and no cuddly bear to take away that feeling... and it sucks.

It just sucks.

and at 9:30 my stupid phone beeps loudly reminding me to put him in his school uniform..... grrrrrrr.... stupid stupid phone...

stupid Hyderabad trip...

stupid ali and her stupid decision to send the love of her life (after aadi of course!!) away from her....

Rubbish plan this is...

What if he is missing me incredibly as well... poor poor baby.... he cant even really say.....

Deep Breath......

Ok, so its just todays day...

I mean he is back tomorrow at 2:00....

and I do have lots to finish off till then....

and I must try cleaning the house and making his cupboard and all that as well...

Its five o'clock now... another what 21 hours?

Thats do able right?


Ok panic attack has gone...

Back to work it is!!

Sitting on mum's face- Cuz I can!!!

Monday, 28 July 2014

Day four till now!

You know that little cover for the tip of the pen? Not the pen cover... there is also a little steel cover for the tip of the pen thats screwed onto the pen?

There is one lying in the corner of my bedroom....

There are pieces of wool and felt all over the living room...

Rolled up cello tape under my work table...

Few stray peels of onion that flew away while making breakfast...

Plastic bags that came with my hoops that I opened up and didn't chuck in the garbage... 

Get the picture?

No baby in the home!!!

When he is around... half my time is gone in picking up these kind of random objects from the floor and the other half removing random objects from his mouth!!!!

Day four... and I'm really really really happy I have so much work that I cant even make my lists of things to do!!! 

I have made five hoop arts since 10:30 in the morning... (its four thirty as i write this) 

This would never happen with the monkey running around.... he would pick up all my hoops and destroy my wool rolls.... !!!

So thank you mommy... for giving my this time and thank you me and my wanting to do a hundred things this weekend for letting me be too busy to miss the munchkin......:(

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Day three....

Today was good....

Today was a date day...

A day for just Aadi and me and us being us...

We had a fun plan of going to one place for appetisers one for the main course and another for dessert... Meal hopping basically!!! Or is it course hopping?!! 

So we started at cafe Zoe moved onto the Tasting Room ... Stopped by my brothers for a while... Met a few friends on the way and landed at the Bombay Local pop up bazaar for dessert!!! 

Of course I missed siddy.. He's a part of me and not having him with me is super duper sucky..... 

But it was really great to be able to go for lunch with no real plan ... No big baby bag... No time limit...

Aadi and I had conversations... About everything apart from a baby... And baby things... And it was awesome!

At some points in the day mum would send me some pictures or videos of the bumling and my heart would ache... Or I would see a parent with their little puddings... And suddenly I'd miss mine...

But overall I think I was good...

It's going to hit me tomorrow... When Aadi is at work and the house is empty and I see his silly toys around.... That's when the real heart ache is gonna come.... 

Friday, 25 July 2014

Day two!

Day two:

Morning has been strange.... No Mumma Mumma Mumma Mumma tape recorder.... 

Woke up early did some yoga without a munchkin trying to come between my legs!! 

Watched a movie while having coffee with the hubby.... Yup a movie at 9:30 in the morning!!! Before sunrise..... What a great film.... It's just... Wow!!!

Then I worked.. Have a lot to do with the FMC exhibition coming up and another order of mine.. So was in full work mode while Aadi chatted away happily with me...

At four thirty we headed to my printer.... Didn't get a chance really to miss miss siddy but mommy sent some pics and a video... And heartbreak happened then and there!!

Spent hours here.... And then headed home.... Because there was still lots to do... And I want to be free in my mind for Aadi and my special day tomorrow :)

We have eaten dinner at nine thirty and Aadi is passed out by eleven... I work for an hour and I'm passing out as soon as I post this! 

What did siddy do?

Well , both days he went down in the building and played with the kids... Some a few years older than him... Mum says he had soooooo much fun he came up and knocked out!!! Yesterday he pushed the suitcases around the house... Tonight he went out for dinner.... 

He misses me and Aadi... He asks for us... Mum says I'm at the market and Aadi is in office and he's ok with that!! 

Poor mum... I don't know how she's doing this? And with a cold that too.... 

Need me to come there mommy?!!!!!

Siddy is on vacation.....

Five days without the potato .. The munchkin the bumling the little one... The lifeline.... 

Five days 

To sleep again...

To be with the hubby 100% 

To work (oh so much work) 

To put my feet up..

To not worry about this meal and that meal 

To not pick up toys...

Did I mention to sleep?!!!! 

So the last few hours, since he left have been like this:


Oh my god where is he?

Yayie yayie yayie... 

Running to other rooms just to check 

Twirling around the house...

Sitting really quietly in one room...

Lying down on the sofa trying to sleep at an odd hour- because I can...

Checking out our selfies from yesterday... 

Watching random nonsense on tv

Switching to Bheem.... 

Making a beetroot potato soup...

Realising i'm cooking for one :(

Oh this is going to suck isn't it? 

I love my mum for taking him on this vacation... It's amazing... The timing is great.. I have major deadlines coming up and I have been missing spending quality time with Aadi... 

But oh my god the clenching of the heart I didn't expect....

Actually I did....


Thursday, 17 July 2014

Toddler activities...

The eternal question of every mother of a one year old..

They are now old enough to not sit quietly on a rocking chair or stare at the wall... But they are too young to understand puzzle books and playing games and certain toys..

It's a very complicated age for activities I feel... Also add to this the ADD that kids of this age have.... No toy holds more than fifteen minutes (on a good day) of his attention... 

When he was younger this one day I was alone with him and at the end of my patience levels trying to get him to play with some stacking blocks toys... I needed something new.. Here are a few ideas I got off the net and some I came up with...

1. Started off my giving him my felt pens in a big box.. He removed each one and put them back... Twenty minutes of normal life..

2. Pulses in two bowls and three empty bowls... Again he would remove some and transfer them to the empty bowl.. Plus he loved running his little fingers they the pulses! Some days half an hour of normal life..

Yes each activity is time based.. You gotta know how long he needs to be entertained and accordingly give him something... It's like a game!!!!

3. Somedays I would just take a big box or bucket and throw in a variety of things with different textures... pens pencils, sketch pens, small plastic toys... Soft rubber bands.., some felt toys., a small car.. My hair clip .. Wool.. Paper.,, 

You never know what would catch his fancy... This game when they are young gives you upto 45 minutes depending on how many items you put in,,, but as he grows up.. And starts to know what everything is... His attention span will be lesser...

4. Kitchen utensils and spoons are another favorite of kids.. Steel utensil that make noise... Plastic boxes that stack.. The rolling pin is one of his favorite items... This could easily give you 30-45 minutes...! And if you have things like murmura or Kellogg's chocos... You get more time!! 

5. In the kitchen once or twice I was making te dough for the roti so I pulled off a few small round balls and gave them to him.. He loved the sticky sensation... I even stuck them on the glass of the window and he went nuts! I tried adding some color to the atta to make it like home made clay dough... But since he still hasn't fully started registering colors he doesn't seem to care...  First few times twenty minutes but lately not more than ten. Please always be next to him or keep an eye on him because he will eat the dough... It's ok because it is edible.. But you don't want him stuffing his mouth...

6. My favorite but it's just too damn messy and calls for another baby bath time is painting! 

Oh How he loves this!! 

I make the paint with maida, some food color and water... This is the safest... But some times ( and don't judge me it's because it's so freely available in our house) I give him acrylic paint... This is only because I actually sit with him all thru the paint time... Don't leave him even for a second... 

So we put newspaper all over the living room which in itself becomes a game! Then we start with brushes but eventually we just end up painting with our hands.. Then more than the paper we paint our legs and sometimes our tummies!!! Ha ha ha ha!! Don't ask!! 

But of course he has to love the messiest activity no?!!!

Mommies in movies...

Is it just me or does anyone out there feel that the way a mother is projected in chick flicks is kinda degrading?

So I was watching this movie calle Four Christmases with Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn in it and they play this dating couple who don't want to get married because it will 'tie them down' ... Same old same old...

But what bugged me was this; they visit their respective families, each of which have either a sister or sister in law with a baby and they hand over this bawling baby who will poop as soon as the 'heroine' has picked up the baby.. And she scrunches her nose and frowns at the little thing whom she is holding at least a foot or two away from her... Like it's got some disease or something...

Remember that scene? It's in every movie.. 98% of the times this scene will occur in a movie.. 

And they will have the mother be all cranky and bitter and in this 'I'm super mom but secretly I don't like my life because I can't date random guys and drink all night' zone...


A few months ago I happened to watch an episode of sex and the city... I'm not a fan.. In fact I don't get the serial at all.. But I was working late and needed some white noise so it was on.. 

The episode was about how the girls were invited to a friends baby shower in the 'suburbs' which in it self is looked down upon... 

It gets worse because they first show the to be mom in this typical environment with other mommies and babies and nappies and baby bottles all around her.. 
And for some reason all the moms were shown to be these boring plain sweater and sneaker wearing women in pony tails... Having 'boring' conversations about their children's schools and health..

While these 'city' girls looked down right disgusted by it all... 


It's disgusting to grow up and have kids and a family? Hmmmmm.... 

Wait it gets worse...

So then this mommy to be comes to the city and totally looses it by trying to party with them with her big belly... And they feel pity for her and send her home not before she tells Sarah Jessica Parker's character how tough life will be after she has the baby and how she is so unhappy that she can't live in the city and party away like her... 

Maybe it's just be... But there have been one too many movies and serials where they make a mothers character to be someone who is either this overly simple practical child obsessed woman or someone who regrets having her children drinks like a fish and has a husband who doesn't love her anymore because he's up in the city partying with Sarah Jessica Parker and Reese Witherspoon..... 


The miracle of a baby....

Today I watched siddy...

Really watched him while he played... Looked at his arms.. His little legs .. His tiny toes.. His cheeks all puffed up.. His delicate ears.. His pretty eye lashes... His button nose.. His baby mouth...

And I couldn't stop being amazed at the miracle of a baby... 

I'm not even going to go into the nine months they grow in the tummy... I'm still just fascinated by the journey he's taken in the last 16months... 

It's a miracle, really, to watch a little baby transform into a little boy, into a little person ... 

To watch him not just grow physically, but to see how his mind develops.. How he reacts to things.. To us... How he understand things.. 

Simple things like understanding a language.. The words.. Loving words angry words.... To know when we are playing around or when we are serious... 

Understanding who loves him, who his people are.. Who his family is... Understanding there are other people, strangers, outsiders.. Some are good some we don't know... 

To see his emotions.. When he gets upset or when he feels love... The days he randomly comes out of nowhere and comes kisses me... It's interesting to think how that little being feels that emotion... Or has the emotion of jealousy of anger... 

How every time Aadi gets a chocolate and he leaves his toys to come sit on his lap and eat with him... Because he knows papa will never say no..,. So he just plonks himself on Aadi's lap... Never with me...

He's so little so so little., and yet he's grown up.. From that little thing swaddled  and in my arms, dependant on me for the smallest things... To this boy who knows exactly what he wants and isn't afraid to ask for it...  

It's been such a wonderful journey.. And I'm so blessed to be able to have witnessed him and his life from the very start... 

Can't wait to see more! 

Monday, 14 July 2014

Mr Tantrums!

You remember the day he was born? Or at least the first few weeks.. When he would just lie in bed staring at the cieling and you wouldn't relate to him... 

You would look at him and think ' what is he thinking?' ' I don't get this kid at all' 

And then of course you start spending more time together and soon enough you get every sound of his.. This sound for food.. That gurgle is a laugh and so on...

Well that feeling happens again when he starts going to school... And he come back and throws a big ass tantrum... 

You'll look at him and think 'what is he thinking?' ' I don't get this kid at all'!!!!!!

Ha ha ha!! 

No but really... Bumling has been on a tantrum spree last few days... Take a toy away or say no to him when he tries to pull the charger wire out... And mr will go screaming and shouting and beating the poor sofa or table...

And you'll just look at him like he's lost his mind...! 

But more than that you will think where did he see this? Where did he learn to scream and beat things and throw them? Unfortunately when he starts school along with nursery rhymes and colors he will learn from the other kids how to throw a tantrum... 

I remember the first week of his school when all the mothers were allowed in class...  There was this one time this little boy started randomly shouting in class... Again and again and again while the teacher was doing a puppet show.. And instead of calming her kid and making him sit, the mother happily cheered him on.... Some parent do think it's ok for kids to scream in public.. 

Bache toh bache hain chilaenge.... 

Kids are kids they will shout..

I think not...

So when siddy throws his little fit at home, we completly ignore him. The minute you even ask him what's wrong he will think of doing it more.. And hell if you snicker or laugh .. He'll get even more encouraged. 

I'm not sure he fully comprehends when I shout at him for shouting or don't talk to him or look at him when he is throwing things on the floor... But I think it's very important even at this young an age to let him know in some way or another that what he is doing is wrong. 

And while this is quite a learning stage... It's also fun and funny at so many levels watching him beat up the sofa every time I say 'No Siddy'

Words we are saying

Neneh (Nani)
Dadeh (Dadi)
NNanna (banana)
Buh (bus)
Tuck (truck)
Baiiii (bike)
Caaaaa (car)
Aaphu (Raju)
Bhu bhu (dog)
Mau (cat)
Cheees (cheese)
Tai ( vaishali our maid)
Esssh (Yash)
No no no
Appy ( happy)
Cool (school)
Cool buh
Cool bag
Done (down)
Beem (Bheem)
Boo ( biscuit)
Beeeeeg (big) 
Dhum ( dhadam to fall)

These I've complied over a week.. Everyday there are new words... It's amazing to see him pick up words so fast!! 

What was really great was when he started putting two words together.. Like school bus and school bag.... 

Soon he'll be saying full sentences... 

This kids growing up super fast...

Puppies and Babies

All my life I said I would pick a Puppy over a Baby!!! I was just not a baby person... babies didn't like me and I didn't understand them...I never knew how to entertain a little baby... but give me a dog and i'm happily rubbing his belly and scratching his chin...!

Then I had a baby... and I realised they are the same as puppies!!

Here have a look why:

1. So cuddly!!! I mean really... Have you just rolled around in bed with a baby or a puppy...?! It's the cosiest best feeling ever!

2. The way they bite with their little teeth.... It's cute and funny when they are little but oh my god once they get bigger and they still go for it... Ouch!!! 

3. Their need to eat everything off the floor and off your plate. With their 'puppy dog' eyes when they look from your plate to you and back to the plate completly forgetting they just finished their own meal ten minutes ago!!!! 

4. The way they follow you around... Like some magnet is stuck on both of you... You go to the kitchen he's right behind you... You go to the bedroom... Still there... You reach the bathroom..still there.... You practically have to shut the door on their noses!!!  

5. You can make them dance to your tunes... Because they can't really fight back.. You can shake them around. Hold them by their arms and make them do the hip hop dance!!! I have videos of both mylo and bumling doing the hip hop dance.. !!!

6. Unconditional Love! Thats the best thing about a puppy and a baby.... oh how they love you.... its really the purest form of love... no matter who you are, what you do in life, your success your good looks (or bad ones!!) they just love you deeply... and will always be the first to show it.... !

and 7. They both love belly rubs and belly kisses.... try it!!

Chilling with Mylo!

Making friends with Sufi...

Yes I know he's a toy but he's my doggie!!

So is this one:

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Raising a good kid.

Recently when my mum and I and siddy were headed somewhere we found ourselves blocked by a car while we tried to turn into a lane. This car was parked right at the corner making it impossible to turn without going onto the on coming traffic.

Mum honked... honked again and then stuck her hand to the honk but to no avail... the car just didn't move... we reversed and took a long turn in and when i looked into the car to give them a stink eye... i see two kids, a boy and a girl, busy chatting. They were oblivious to the mayhem they had just created... like not a blink of the eye not a turn to see who was honking forget apologising for being doofuses.... nothing.

And i started fuming.... kids these days they have no manners, no respect nothing... i  suddenly became the 75 year old granny everyone tells me I am...but seriously i don't remember the last time I met a well spoken well behaved 13 year old. they just don't exist.

Then a friend of mine puts this up on facebook and I suddenly realised this is so true.

My mother would not think twice before giving me a tight spank on my bum for misbehaving... i was looked up in the toilet for absolute bad behaviour too... and no I didn't need to consult a psychiatrist ...Im normal... all the people my age who "suffered" at the hands of their mums are normal.....

and then I read this amazing article on huffingtonpost by a nanny with years of experience... what a superb article.... I think we need to raise our kids like our parents raised us... and not the way we are going about it right now...

Here is the article and here is the link just incase...:

I generally am quite an optimistic person. I tend to believe that everything will work out for the best unless the evidence is overwhelmingly to the contrary, and anyone who knows me will tell you that I am not prone to drama. That's why when I say that modern parenting is in serious trouble -- crisis, even -- I hope you'll listen, and listen carefully. I've worked with children and their parents across two continents and two decades, and what I've seen in recent years alarms me. Here are the greatest problems, as I see them:
1. A fear of our children. 
I have what I think of as "the sippy cup test," wherein I will observe a parent getting her toddler a cup of milk in the morning. If the child says, "I want the pink sippy cup, not the blue!" yet the mum has already poured the milk into the blue sippy cup, I watch carefully to see how the parent reacts. More often than not, the mum's face whitens and she rushes to get the preferred sippy cup before the child has a tantrum. Fail! What are you afraid of, mum? Who is in charge here? Let her have a tantrum, and remove yourself so you don't have to hear it. But for goodness' sake, don't make extra work for yourself just to please her -- and even more importantly, think about the lesson it teaches if you give her what she wants because she's thrown a fit.
2. A lowered bar. 
When children misbehave, whether it's by way of public outburst or private surliness, parents are apt to shrug their shoulders as if to say, "That's just the way it is with kids." I assure you, it doesn't have to be. Children are capable of much more than parents typically expect from them, whether it's in the form of proper manners, respect for elders, chores, generosity or self-control. You don't think a child can sit through dinner at a restaurant? Rubbish. You don't think a child can clear the table without being asked? Rubbish again! The only reason they don't behave is because you haven't shown them how and you haven't expected it! It's that simple. Raise the bar and your child shall rise to the occasion.
3. We've lost the village. 
It used to be that bus drivers, teachers, shopkeepers and other parents had carte blanche to correct an unruly child. They would act as the mum and dad's eyes and ears when their children were out of sight, and everyone worked towards the same shared interest: raising proper boys and girls. This village was one of support. Now, when someone who is not the child's parent dares to correct him, the mum and dad get upset. They want their child to appear perfect, and so they often don't accept teachers' and others' reports that he is not. They'll storm in and have a go at a teacher rather than discipline their child for acting out in class. They feel the need to project a perfect picture to the world and unfortunately, their insecurity is reinforced because many parents do judge one another. If a child is having a tantrum, all eyes turn on the mum disapprovingly. Instead she should be supported, because chances are the tantrum occurred because she's not giving in to one of her child's demands. Those observers should instead be saying, "Hey, good work -- I know setting limits is hard."
4. A reliance on shortcuts. 
I think it's wonderful that parents have all sorts of electronics to help them through airline flights and long waits at the doctor's office. It's equally fabulous that we can order our groceries online for delivery, and heat up healthy-ish food at the touch of a button on the microwave. Parents are busier than ever, and I'm all for taking the easy way when you need it. But shortcuts can be a slippery slope. When you see how wonderful it is that Caillou can entertain your child on a flight, don't be tempted to put it on when you are at a restaurant. Children must still learn patience. They must still learn to entertain themselves. They must still learn that not all food comes out steaming hot and ready in three minutes or less, and ideally they will also learn to help prepare it. Babies must learn to self-soothe instead of sitting in a vibrating chair each time they're fussy. Toddlers need to pick themselves up when they fall down instead of just raising their arms to mum and dad. Show children that shortcuts can be helpful, but that there is great satisfaction in doing things the slow way too.
5. Parents put their children's needs ahead of their own. 
Naturally, parents are wired to take care of their children first, and this is a good thing for evolution! I am an advocate of adhering to a schedule that suits your child's needs, and of practices like feeding and clothing your children first. But parents today have taken it too far, completely subsuming their own needs and mental health for the sake of their children. So often I see mums get up from bed again and again to fulfill the whims of their child. Or dads drop everything to run across the zoo to get their daughter a drink because she's thirsty. There is nothing wrong with not going to your child when she wants yet another glass of water at night. There's nothing wrong with that dad at the zoo saying, "Absolutely you can have something to drink, but you must wait until we pass the next drinking fountain." There is nothing wrong with using the word "No" on occasion, nothing wrong with asking your child to entertain herself for a few minutes because mummy would like to use the toilet in private or flick through a magazine for that matter.
I fear that if we don't start to correct these five grave parenting mistakes, and soon, the children we are raising will grow up to be entitled, selfish, impatient and rude adults. It won't be their fault -- it will be ours. We never taught them any differently, we never expected any more of them. We never wanted them to feel any discomfort, and so when they inevitably do, they are woefully unprepared for it. So please, parents and caregivers from London to Los Angeles, and all over the world, ask more. Expect more. Share your struggles. Give less. And let's straighten these children out, together, and prepare them for what they need to be successful in the real world and not the sheltered one we've made for them.
How good was that? Really made me think about raising siddy differently... doing things the original way.... and not letting him bully me!!

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Have a baby? Now you grow up!!

Having a baby means you have to become an adult....

No more:

Being the first to rush to the loo after a long drive... i'll have to let the little one go... 

No more...

Running away from lizards ... Now I'll have to be the one to calm him down and scare the lizard out of the house!!

No more....

Chilling in front of the tv on a Sunday morning watching crap... Now I have to watch good stuff, sometimes even 'beem' so the kid doesn't get badly influenced!!! 

No more..

Getting meals all ready and served to me by my mum... Now I'll have to plan them and plan two, one for me and the family and one for the kid.. And then more often than not I'll have to make them both!!! 

No more...

Enjoying my cup of coffee... Because there he is trying to stick his little fingers in my glass till I bribe him with biscuits....

No more...

Not knowing things... No more can I simply treat my mum like an encyclopaedia/dictionary now I have to be one...!!

No more..

Letting spell check check my spellings... Now I will need to know them without looking at my phone!! 

No more...

Abusing!!! This one is tough but it has to stop! Every sentence can no more be peppered with a choicy curse word!

No more...

Eating chocolates and ice creams without sharing it... Or having the last chip on your plate... No no.. He is going to go for it whether you like it or not!! 

No more....

Speed driving... It's not good anyways... But now especially you can't because you have a standard to maintain with the kid... Because he will do what he sees you do.... 

No more...

Chatting for hours on your phone.. Because then this is what he will do!!

So basically no more can you do silly rash stupidly spontaneous things.... Now everything has an underlying thought of he is watching me......!!!

There goes my childhood!!

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Terrible twos..... already??!!!!

Siddy has started his terrible twos.....

Yes I know he isn't two... but that doesn't mean the terribleness hasn't started!!!

Because it has....

The one thing everyone who meets him always tell me... " oh he's such a quiet boy. So peaceful and sweet"

Hmmmmmmmmmm.... you need to come over someday people...

Its been just about a week... and funnily enough its the week that he was unwell and wasn't going to school so I can't even blame it on the other kids!

One fine day he has decided to become rowdy singh.... screaming and shouting and throwing little tantrums.... its cute you know in the beginning.... you actually find it amusing how loud a 16 month old can be.... how much energy he can have running from one room to another... then it starts to get to you...

After the 25th time of saying"No Siddy" when he tries to hit the tv that he can't even reach till he is on his little toes.... you loose your mind.

And there is just no fear... on the contrary he finds it damn funny when you say "Stop it Siddy or I'll come give you a pa pow" ( a lesson from linda i learnt.  If you have watched the video of the little kid arguing with his mum about cupcakes you know what I'm talking about!!!)

The other day he went into an overdrive... he kept running to the tv trying to hit it... he did it about 15  20 times.... and each time my mum has literally dragged him back... then he ran around the house occasionally shouting at no one in particular... making little fists of his hand and shaking them about... then he went to the kitchen and held the oven door and tried to pull it down..... I stood next to him and held the door shut but he didn't stop trying......

it was unbelievable...

And whats worse is that in a way, it was kinda adorable but you had to refrain from laughing and encouraging him and its so damn difficult!!!!!

What i don't get is where he learns all this from... and how does his tiny little body and mind have all this mad insane energy?

I'm doubting his cough meds.... I think they are acting like little alcohol shots!!!!

Because he really wasn't like this... he really was this sweet little peaceful baby.... now he's this mad little over energetic BOY!!!!

The question that comes up is how and when to really start discipling him?

Is he too young for a time out, will he even understand it... shouting seems to have to effect and I don't want to whack him ( not just yet... maybe when he's older!!!) . So what do you do?

This one time, while Aadi and I were chatting he found this book of mine and was flipping thru the pages when suddenly rrrrrrrrip.... he tore one page. Immediately he looked up at me and I could see that he knew he had done something wrong. Very firmly I took the book from him, showed him the torn page and said " Very bad Siddy, no touching Mumma's things"

He tried to smile.... but i kept my stony face and said " No one is going to talk to Siddy now for sometime, no one will play with him" and I continued talking to Aadi without looking at him.

Oh My God... that child's sorrowful face his pout the cheeks hanging in shame.... it was unbearable... he looked down with so much guilt and then looked at his daddy with these puppy dog eyes melting his heart so much that he could take it.... He called Siddy to him and gave him a hug...

There goes my first lesson in the dumps!!! But  can't blame Aadi that kid used everything he had....

But on a  serious note... at least he knew what he had done was wrong.... So thats good.

Here are my few tips on disciplining a 16 month old.

1. Keep a straight face. Very very Very important. And this goes for everyone in the room... You can't be the only one trying to put your foot down while everyone else is laughing at his antics.... no good cop bad cop .... only "very stern cop who actually loves you"!!!

2. Tell him what he has done is wrong, its bad. Don't tell him he is a bad boy, just what he has done is bad.

3. Try a bit of " No one will talk/ play with you for sometime because of what you have done" This one is tough... one time I used it on Siddy he came and started kissing my cheeks... I mean come on... who can resist that?!!!!!!

4. If he is destroying something (like the tv or oven) rather than shouting give him another distraction.... which is a positive one or a creative one... like a chalk and a black board to draw or his cars to play with.

5.Sometimes they start going into overdrive when they are most sleepy... to avoid going to sleep they gather all their energies to go mental... so if you feel thats the case.... take him into a dark room , play some soothing music, give him milk... basically use everything you can to calm him down...!

Well, these are my tips as of now... lets see what all really works ... because each munchkin is different in their crazy ways!!!

Tell me how you deal with your little minion?!!!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Full house down :(

Having an unwell baby is tough... They get cranky and clingy and your heart breaks every time they sneeze.... Or cough... :( 

They look so helpless and little that all you want to do is to hug them and not move...

But it's also really tiring... Because imagine trying to do other things like making a cup of coffee or trying to pay the grocery guy at your doorstep with a monkey clinging on to your legs... 

The only thing tougher is being unwell yourself... And having everyone at home a bit under the weather as well!!! 

So as of right now.. Not only does bumling have a cold cough and slight fever..he's passed it on to his Nani... And Aadi's back is very badly pulled... Poor guy can't even bend to pick up the bumling.. And to add to it all my monthly visitor is here creating havoc with my stomach.... 

So by dinner time we were all pooped!!! 

The funny part is bumling was feeling better today...and had a sudden energy burst in him and was running all around the house.... While we were all trying to have dinner so that we could pass out!!

And it was tough because he kept running around... So I resorted to our magic trick.... The only thing that can get him to sit in one place quietly for a full half an hour....


Its the most amazing thing ever....

Even though according to me all the kids and adults seem to be high on something ( I mean come on, no one can be that happy and cheery... It's just not normal!!!) but bumling loooooooves it!

All the colors the kids and their costumes... The fun nursery rhymes... It's all very mesmerising for him.... He literally can't get his eyes off!

I know I know tv and video viewing isnt the best thing for a toddler... But somedays allow it... Don't stress your self out... The trick is to only use it on days you have absolutley no choice... 

Like us today... We could all barely move...none of us had the energy for anything.... And he was on fire...but these videos just calmed him down...he say quietly on the sofa watching.. Occasionally looked at us and clapped his little hands...but otherwise he didn't care if we were even there!!!

So here is hoping to all our speedy recoveries... Until then I'm going to kiss the heads of the guys who made those annoying mother goose videos!!!!