Monday, 30 March 2015

Toddler logic!

Toddler logic:

I'm feeding him a banana right now and it's super huge...poor kids mouth just ain't opening that big...

So I think, ok let's make his life easier and I cut a small piece with a spoon and give him...

He spits it out and points to the full banana in my hand...

" it's the same thing siddy" 

"Same thing? "

" yes this is banana" pointing to the piece " and this is a banana" pointing to the full banana.

" no Mumma" shaking his head like I'm the dumbdumb!

And that's that no more banana eating. 

**deep breaths Mumma ... Deep breaths**

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Losing it...

It's so easy to lose it.

It takes that one wiggling around session while changing his clothes....

One tantrum in the bathroom to play in the water when he's late for school or when your back is hurting like mad... 

One fight to eat the last bite of his meal, when you've been sitting for an hour now...

It takes that one second of loosing it to want to give him that one tight spank on his bum... And release the pressure that's building up inside you with the frustration of trying to get the basics done... Basics... Eating drinking showering ... Simple tasks become an effort with them some days...

Some days you're just too tired running behind him... Too frustrated and exhausted... And normally if any person, an older person were driving you that much up the wall .. You would either whack them or just leave the room... 

But with a toddler, with your own kid you can't really do either... And so the frustration actually is that much more.. Because you can't release it... 

Of course I've given him a spank or two.. And regretted it instantly... But it's tough sometimes to have THAT much patience... 

It's tough to really be the bigger person and drop the anger... 

And what's worse is for some reason... Those days the hits will just keep coming... Because more often than not the kid is throwing a tantrum not because he is enjoying it.. But because something is bugging him... 

It could be that he is hungry or uncomfortable in his tummy .. He could be sleepy and fighting it... He could be too hot or too cold... And till you don't fix that problem he will keep reacting badly to everything...

So the real trick is to take a deep breath and start trying to gauge what could be bothering him instead of letting him bother you...

And the days where it looks like he's just enjoying it, because there are some days when he will throw a tantrum and laugh in your face, what works for me is to leave the room...

I tried 'punishing' him by making him stand in th corner of the room without any toys.. After the first few times it became a joke... 

He would throw a toy or a remote and I would shout ' very bad siddy' or 'what did you do siddy?'

And he would laugh and say 'go to corner of room' and run to the door and tune back to smile his sheepish smile at us... So that punishment went out the window...

Then I tried making an angry face and big eyes and saying ' Mumma very angry, Mumma is not going to talk to siddy' 

And turn my face away from him...

That just ended up with the worlds biggest sucking up toddler rolling all over me being ridiculously adorable.... !!! 

He's still too small I think to understand for sure everytime that what he has done is wrong, but there are times he does... And those times the sucky uppy kid comes out majorly... 

So what do we do? 

What do we do where we don't release our pressure by spanking that bum... The easiest option becaus after all he's just a kid and you're a mum so it's justified... Apparently. 

What do we do that makes us calmer and not more frustrated... I don't know.. This ain't one of those posts where there is a solution... It's one that probably has helped me release a bit of my pressure for today though...

So maybe that's the solution.. To distract your mind from him and the tantrum... Maybe if you have help hand him over to another person... And go take a breather. 

To end this on a lighter note... Here is my first spanking him story...

So we were in Jaipur and I was washing his bum in mom dad's sink ( why sink you ask.. Long story) anyway... So he was squirming and twisting and dancing a lot.. And there was water on the counter and his feet kept slipping, add to that the potty in the bum and now on my hand trying to rinse it off..

I kept saying 'siddy stand still you'll fall' 'siddy stop moving you'll get hurt' 

But no.. More squirming more dancing.. More Mumma loosing her mind... And so finally I gave him one tight slap on the bum... He froze... Looked at me heartbroken ... 

'Mumma did you hit Siddhant?' To his credit he didn't cry...

My turn to be heartbroken.. ! I mean which kid says that? 

I took a deep breath and said 'yes siddy because you were not stopping to move and Mumma has to finish washing your bum' 

He's quiet for a few seconds.. I finish up cleaning that adorable bum.. And I'm about to pick him up and he says 

'Why Mumma hit siddy?' Looking at me with those big big eyes...

Awwwww man full on heart wrencher....

I hugged him and said sorry like a million times while kissing him.... 

These kids I tell ya!!! They can frustrate you and make your heart melt in seconds!!!

Found this on Pinterest just after I was done writing this article... How apt!!

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Then and now...

So yesterday I went down memory lane...

I read my blog from the first post till now...

It started because I was looking for a particular post... The one where I had measured Aadi and siddy to compare their sizes... The post was "at nine months" 

It's amazing... How I've been writing for two years now... And i have noticed how different my style of writing has become since then... And yet, because they are little stories about the bumling they have the same heart! 

I write too fast... My mum says it's because my brain works fast and my hands can't keep up..!!! She even says that's the reason I get annoyed with people!!! 

But it's true, I have a thought and before I can really get it down on paper I have already had three new thoughts!!!!

Also I realised that I had many posts per month then than I do now... And it got me thinking... With a new born I was able to write more than I do now with a toddler...

Before having the kid I always thought that with a new born I would have my hands full where as with him growing up I would be able to do more things on my own...

What a misconception!!! 

Siddy was much easier to handle when he was a baby... You simply had to wrap him up in a swaddle and keep him in the middle of the six months at best he would just roll around in the bed..but he is what we call a hurricane... 

It takes him all of five minutes to remove every car every block every book every musical instrument every random toy we ever got for him....really makes you wish you hadn't gotten him all those toys!!! 

All of your time goes in making sure he isn't going to hurt himself with something or break something...

And the second he sees you getting comfortable, trying to read a book or on your phone (trying to blog maybe!!) he goes nuts!! 

I don't even get the time to sit down and put my blog points down like I used to earlier with the thought of getting to them poor work blog:

That's just been put on the back burner for now... 

At least this one..because it's about the one thing that's a 24/7 thing in my life i always have something or another to say about... I manage to keep it updated... 

Funny thing is there are far more stories today to tell than there were in the first year... Like the way he talks to his cars.. Or the way he has fallen in love with indiawale the song... Or how he loves preted cooking and now makes us pizzas and pastas! 

But like the way I have lesser videos.. Because I'm so busy watching and enjoying his silly antics to get them on video, similarly with my posts ... I'm so busy enjoying him that I forget to make my notes and eventually I forget to write about it.. Because like my thoughts... By then he has done three more mad things!!!

The one thing that's the same for sure.. Is what an over dramatic monkey that kid is!! 

At two months to two years... He's the king of funny facial expressions and attention seeking!! 

Wonder what my posts will be like when he's three!! 

A day in the life of a two year old!!

Every day is eventful with the pudding... Everyday we need something new to keep us entertained! 

We've started our park trips every evening...and that's great because all in all its a good two hours set! 

But there are those odd days we are stuck at home for some reason or another...

Like yesterday.. The road outside our building was blocked because of some construction... And the back gate is too tricky for me to get the car out from ... I know sounds like a kinda lousy excuse but hey... We are allowed occasional days off..

Luckily my maids kids, Yash and Prathmesh, whom siddy loves very much, had come to the building so he spent the whole afternoon running around with them.. So he got his sun!!

But we had a whole evening at home and we needed things to do 

Since the poor pudding was scratching his little head like a monkey... I decided to cut his hair... I really wanted to take him for a proper haircut.. But he seemed to be suffering the scratching so I went for it!!

He was so cute and and sat so well.. Except for the last little bit when he started to loose his patience.. So the front of his hair as you see is kinda messy!!

Then we decided to paint.. The only way to do what you want is to time it with him... I love sketching but when ever I start he comes to annoy me.. So now I give him his paints and brushes and paper and while he is having fun... I enjoy my sketching..!!

In my sketches I was drawing these circles so he thought of bubbles and next thing we know ... I'm making bubbles for the bumling and he's going nuts bursting them!! This is one of his favorite things to do!!! 

Then I went to put my clothes away and he found the iron and decided to iron the clothes!!! 

Finally we got down to some work.. So I took my laptop and gave him his iPad to do his work!!!

It's too much fun ... Finding new things to do with him.. But somedays he gets in these moods where he is just not happy with anything...those days are tough...

And somedays something as simple as dusting or driving his cars on every possible surface keeps him busy...! 

And now with the park happening ... It's great because then by the time he's back he's pretty tired to do too much else!!! 

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Be like my mom?!!

Am I talking to the walls? Will you look at me when I'm talking to you....

Finish your milk or the birdie will come have it...

Finish your food or I'll give your toys to Amay...

Don't go up the stairs on your own you'll get a bump on your bum na then you'll know...

Don't touch that its want me to give you a pa pow on your bum? 

How many times to say the same thing siddy? No means no, it doesn't mean 'Ya go ahead and throw all your toys from the table...' 

Hmmmmmm I sound like someone suddenly....

Oh Ya ..

My mum!! 

I had no idea I had a 'mother' in me till my son turned two...

Sure when he was born and we went thru our breastfeeding stage and our nappy changing stage I did feel like a mum... but a Mother.... only the day he turned two...

There is something about shouting at a naughty kid that really makes you feel like a mother you know.... 

Till he doesn't drive you up the wall... doesn't run away while you try feeding him, doesn't squirm and wriggle while you try to change his clothes. doesn't stay awake when you want him to sleep and sleep when you want him to stay awake... 

Till you haven't tried every trick in the book to manipulate him, coax him, bribe him to do what you want... you have not yet experienced "motherhood"

Its amazing how a two year old can drive a perfectly rational person mental.... I say this while i watch my son put his hands into his shorts trying to remove money from his thigh (considering his shorts have no pockets... and no money!!!)

and this would have been adorable... was it not his sleep time and was he not super duper cranky but fighting his sleep....But thats just a normal day in our lives today....

The naughty monkey of a two year old and the crazy mum who puts up with him!!!! 

Sure makes me think of my mum more fondly!!!

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Annual day!

It's siddy's annual day in school tomorrow....

Annual day of a two year old!!! 

The bumling is going to be dancing to Happy wearing glittery gold pants and a yellow t shirt... ( I think the whole point of an annual day is to dress the kids up in the funniest  possible clothes for our entertainment!!!) 

I remember my school annual days... I was (still am maybe!!) a full on performer!!!

I, not so secretly, love the idea of dancing and acting ( not as much as the dancing) but Ya... Oh my god... The rehearsals, the picking of the songs and steps ... The being with friends post school and weekends at someone's house dancing away!!! 

My class especially had the fully enthu cutlets..we would take part in every school program.. 

Republic day.. Yes
Independence Day...yes
Teacher say.. Yes
Children's day ... Yes

We just needed an excuse...! 

And we were damn good at it.. Mind you... !

I still remember... One of my friends was a bharatnatyam dancer and I mainly did western and so we choreographed a fusion on a song from the movie rangeela...

Man I wish I could find that cd somewhere! But, like any old person I will say, back then, we didn't have the ease of saving things onto laptops and things.. Heck we didn't even have our own laptops then.. Laptops were a luxury item!!! 

But the dancing and gossiping and laughing was priceless!!

What's really amazing is .. I still remember my mum and my friends mums doing a garba for one of our school functions... I still remember them in their ghagras doing their dance.. And here I am today... Doing the same for my kiddo!!! 

7 of us mums have got together and are dancing on two hindi film songs: aaja nachle and nagada.... 

Here too there is one mum who is a professional bharatnatyam dancer and one who has done Bollywood dancing and they are super hardcore... They even booked us a rehearsal hall and make up artist and hair stylist and have done our costume and all!!! 

I think girls just love to dress up and dance at any age!!

It's so amazing how tables have turned...from being the little kid who's mum was performing to being the mum who is dancing for her little kid! 

I used to be really happy to see my mum participate in our school dos ... So I really hope that later, as he grows up, even siddy enjoys it rather than gets embarrassed by it!!! 

Friday, 13 March 2015

The day I became an Aunty!

Last evening i became and Aunty... Nope my brother hasn't yet had his baby.. And still here I am... An Aunty :( 

We were all at Jai club in Jaipur for dinner... And they have recently put up these bunch of slides, see saws and swings for the kids...

This I think is a fantastic idea.... Kids need a place to run around ... And between tables isn't that place .....  

So of course siddy went nuts when he saw all these fun things and insisted on going on each and everyone of them... 

There were a few kids playing as well and it was adorable to see him reacting to the kids... This little two year just loves seeing other kids around!! 

After sometime however the kids went for dinner and my poor baby felt so bad.. He kept saying " where are the children Mumma?" 

We tried distracting him with food and the iPad.. But nope.. He wanted to play with kids... 

He walked around, me following, till he saw a few older kids.. Two boys around 11 - 12 and a little girl of about 8 or 9 maybe.. 

So he ran behind them but the poor thing got no attention :( 

Finally after nearly wishing I was preggie with one more kid just so he would have some company, I took him back to our table..

After a while those same kids came to play on the slides... Siddy saw them and jumped off his chair.. 

Now there were about 6 or seven kids in the play area... So he was happy....while I  helped him climb on to all the slides and held him on the see saw.. The older of the two boys asked me if he can take siddy up the slide.. And he used the 'a ' word...

So no way was I giving my kid to a 'kid' especially one who had the audacity to call me an Aunty...........

I was like " no 'beta' thank you" 

But he didn't let up.. He kept saying "aunty only for two minutes.. Let me just hold him" 

Finally I said ok because honestly how many boys are ever interested in a little baby... 

Well this boy was soooo happy! For the next half an hour or so they played with siddy.. And siddy of course went nuts!! 

The full blown attention he was getting from the two boys and their little sister... He was in heaven!! 

I, of course, was paranoid.. So I kept following them, making sure they were holding him right ... Being gentle ... I mean after all they were just kids too..

It got to a point where they just didn't want to stop playing.. Siddy included.. We actually had to bribe siddy with ice cream and pay our bill and leave the club!! 

Then too they insisted on carrying him to the car.. Chatting him up while dad and Nitinbh paid the club bill and came to the car and even waited at the main gate for that one last goodbye!!! 

I am yet to see such adorable kids!!! 

While waiting in the parking lot the older kid named every car his father had ever owned along with the date of purchase to me.. Me who knows zilch about cars.. But it was so important for him to rattle off the names of his cars... It was too cute!!!

And my pudding had a fun screaming match with all of them which he enjoyed thoroughly!!! 

Oh what an evening!!! From wanting desperately to play with kids to having three insanely doting kids .. He had a fun evening!!

Me ..? 

I couldn't get over the "Aunty" 


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Being away ...

The last time I was away from siddy was when I went on my first vacation post having Goa! 

Before the trip I went from sheer happiness with the idea of chilling on a beach sipping beer with the hubby to already missing the cuteness of that baby bum...

I thought i would be a big fat mess there... Sitting in the corner, watching his videos, while everyone else partied... But nope.. I was quite well behaved!!! 

It was a perfectly timed trip... Three days and back on the fourth... So it was basically a before-you-miss-him-you're-back kind of a thing...

And honestly, Goa, that trip, was a blast.. Aadi and me on a scooter, cruising thru those tiny lanes... Lounging on beaches that seemed untouched by people... A good amount of alcohol and music... And some of the best food I have ever eaten... Say what you want it's impossible to have a trip like that with a baby bag...!!! 

Then of course comes our sixth wedding anniversary over this last weekend... So my mum decided to give Aadi and me the whole weekend off and packed off the bumling and took him to Pune to my masi's place to see her mum. 

Gone Saturday back Monday night... 

Saturday I had my exhibition and Aadi had meetings in Delhi as well.. So we actually mainly had sunday which was the day of our anniversary... 

And what an anniversary... A fantastic brunch at cafe Zoe... The absolutely mental movie the kingsman with Mr Darcy... And mixed pakoras by the sea at otters... Couldn't have asked for more... 

Monday I had decided to get all my cleaning done... Before the monster was back... 

And then I get that call... 

"We can't come today because Akshai isn't well and the car can't come get us.. We'll see you tomorrow... Lalalalaala bye bye" 

Wait what??? 

You want to keep siddy there for one more day.. I have one more day to myself... 

Did I jump for joy you ask? 


I was so upset.... I don't know why.. But this whole unplanned one more day thing just wasn't sitting well with me... 

Do you know how quite a house can get without that chatter box? 

Do you know how sad those stuffed toys look? 

Or how much dust the cars have caught because no ones played with them? 

Do you know that all I did Monday evening was sit with my phone watching videos of my monkey?

It's unreal how much I missed him suddenly..

You wait and wait for an empty house thinking " ah now I can just put my feet up and watch TV all day" and you  can for about two hours... Post that it just all seems too quiet. 

So here I am typing away in the auto on my way to bandra... To pick him up.. So that I don't have to wait that extra hour it takes from bandra to home!!!!