Wednesday 18 July 2018

Little Stories-6

For anyone who has watched Masha and the Bear- you and I can only be friends if you believe, like I do, that Masha is the naughtiest (in not a cute way) kid in the cartoon world.

From the very first day Siddy put on an episode on youtube I hated her. Her absolute stubbornness, the way she bugs that poor bear... everything! But the kids just love her... In fact Siddy and my nephew watch it and all we can hear is them laughing and laughing away.

So recently when my nephew started behaving extremely naughty, I actually very seriously asked my sister in law to get him to stop watching the series.

And I kid you not, I see a massive change in the kid!

However since little bumling isn't so little anymore and listens to and understands every single conversation Aadi and I have this little incident happened:

We are sitting for lunch and Siddy says "Oh mumma let me watch Masha and the bear no"

And I say "NO. She's a very naughty girl who does very silly things"

"But Papa likes her. you like her na Papa?"

Both of us now looking at poor Papa.


"Papa" me in my don't you dare voice"

"Ya actually Siddy, she really is quite naughty"

"See baby, I told you na she's very naughty. Even Papa thinks so"

"No, he liked her but you did some chattar pattar with him and thats why he's saying all this."

Chattar patter... did this cheeky fellow just imply that I worked at changing his Dad's mind??

I mean he isn't wrong but hello!

Little Story 2:

This is my all time favorite story!!

So have you gyts watched True on netflix? Its a very cute cartoon about a little princess called true who helps fix the world using three magical wishes!!

So one day while watching it I asked Siddy " baby if you had three magical wishes what would you wish for?"

He thinks for a bit and says " I don't need three mumma, I just need one. I wish I had my own didi" (nanny)

Okay then!!! We haven't had a nanny for a few months now... But I didn't realize this monkey was missing having one.

I also said "Baby... me too... even I have only one wish... Its to have a didi in the house but for me!!"

Ha ha ha!!! I guess our wishes are the same... except he wants one to play with him and I want one to keep me sane!!!!

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