Monday, 23 February 2015

Terrible twos

So the day he turned two he also turned terrible...

It's true.. For all those who think that the terrible twos don't exist, are a myth.. Are basically a result of your 'bad' parenting for the first two years, you, sir are wrong! 

Terrible twos are real...they come out of no where... Your perfectly angelic child will turn into a raging lunatic who will scream and shout and cry and howl all at the same time simply because you removed the i pad from the book shelf and he wants you to put it back. 

Mental... I know..

One of the common things people tell me is how good a boy siddy is... How well behaved... How polite .. He always says his thank you, pleases and sorries ...yes even at this young age ( I think they have some funny song about these 'good words ' you must use in school ) 

Well, he is still well behaved but he has these random meltdowns... Which lead to my meltdowns... 

Because after every screaming session there is a crying session for which no one but the Mumma will do... 

'Come Mumma' are my two most dreaded words today... Because they mean I must carry that little cow around the house... Usually to the kitchen and I must stand there... Not sit .. Stand.. He's very sure about that.. If I try to sit (because of the weight of the said cow in my arms) he will actually say 

" no Mumma get up... Stand up Mumma" all in his super cranky ( read: threatening to scream again) voice. 

And so I stand for fifteen minutes, twenty somedays depending on his mood...

It's exhausting... By the fourth tantrum of the day my shoulders hurt, my back hurts... My arms feel limp.... And my brain seems jammed with come Mumma come Mumma echoing inside...

I love my kid... So don't get me wrong... He's amazing and loving.. But somedays the tantrums are for such baseless reasons that it gets annoying and irritating... 

Like he gets upset if you don't bring him the right utensil to play with (what is a right utensil you ask? I still don't know) 

or he gets upset about us getting his shoes from the room because he wanted to go get it.. 

Or because he took too long to come to open the door and we open it.. Tantrum... 

His car is broken .. Tantrum... 

His socks aren't pulled all the way up .. Tantrum..

You see where I'm going?!

So one day, fed up from my brains to my toe, I decided to hide in the room... Because I was just toooo exhausted to deal with him...

It was in the evening and Aadi said he would look after him.. So i went into the room , kept the lights off and sat in the corner of the bed... 

In five minutes something sparked the kid off and I could hear howling .. For a second my heart twisted into a knot... Should I go out or should I let Aadi deal with it... I waited a little and the crying became harder and louder and the words " where is Mumma?" Kept coming up...

My room door wasn't shut, and in a few minutes this little thing walks in, tear stained face , devastated look in his eyes... 'How could you not come to me if you are at home' 

And so I picked him up and stood in the kitchen for a while... He calmed down and got to playing again. 

I sat on a chair next to him while he played with his dad. 

After a while, out  of no where he comes to me, pats me on my shoulder and says

"good girl Mumma... You're a good girl"


Terrible twos or terribly adorable twos?!!!! 

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

The yes man!

So the first response to things as a baby is no....

You try to feed them, they say 


You try to change their clothes, they say 






Want to play with this car? 


Want to go out? 


It's really annoying and you wait and wait for him to say yes to something! 

Next thing you know he's turned into the yes man!

Now you ask him anything and his answer is always yes! 

It's hilarious and its a great confidence building thing...

You ask how? 

Well these are the questions I love asking him...

Are you a pudding? 

Are you a cow? 

Are you a monkey? 

Is Mumma pretty awesome?

Is Mumma doing a fantastic job with you? 

So you love your Mumma the mostest?!

Ha ha ha ha!!

I love my yes man! 

So if you ever need to feel good about yourself come on over!!! 

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Phase - anti water!

It's funny how a two year old goes thru phases... I thought it was a very adult thing... But nope! 

My little bumling went off water for a few days... Not to drink but to shower..

So here is the whole story..

My best friend and I, with our respective bumlings, went for a vacation to Goa... 

She has two, one younger and one older than mine... And we were super excited about this trip! 

Her older one had been to the beach a few times previously... Siddy went once to juhu beach when he was really small and he didn't care much for it.. Actually thinking back, he was petrified then too..

So the first evening itself, in Goa, we were at the beach and siddy fell in love with the expanse... The expanse of the sand and the sea.. But more so the sand.. One minute he loved the sand on his feet the next he hated it!!! 

But over all he was happy with the feel of the sand under his feet...

So I decided to dip his toes in the sea as well...

I was sooooooo excited to see his reaction to the water on his little toes! 

We went hand in hand walking towards the sea, avoiding the baby crabs and crab eggs (I think), he was getting excited as we got closer and he could feel the cool water...

At one point where I thought the water would come just over his feet I stopped.. And then a wave broke a few feet away from us and softly came and went over our feet... Siddy got so excited he started  shouting in glee... Till the water decided to go back and the current went against his feet...

That spooked him...

He tried picking his legs up but the current against his tiny feet didn't let him and that freaked him out... 

I tried again for the next few waves but nope... He didn't like it one bit.. And started saying " Mumma back Mumma no water" 

And there started our anti love affair for the sea... 

For the next three days I couldn't get him anywhere near the sea... Sand yes very much... But sea was a big no no :(

Also we had an incident in the shower .. Where at home we use a tumbler and bucket for our showers, here on the first day I used the hand shower...and he hated the force that came with it... 

So no shower no sea... Only the pool was allowed... Which was too dirty for me to be ok with.... and add to that my monthly visitor visited and killed all pool plans... 

So I had either a kid crying like he was being beaten ( seriously I was afraid the hotel staff would come and shout at me ) or a dirty kid with me for those three days in Goa!!! 

It's funny though how a little toddler can not only get so affected by these things he can hold on to it for so long... Even after we came back, it was a fight in the bathroom...

Luckily though... We took him to the club the other day for a swim... He cried before going in... But also cried when we tried to take him out!!!! 

Water is our friend again it seems... 

What an annoying phase to go thru if you ask me!!!! 

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Turning two

So siddy turned two this week....


Two years old... 

I've held no job for that long... And I have done about 14 different things in my life... 

The longest period I worked in one office was eight months... 

But I've held this one for two years! 

It seems unreal.. I mean wasn't he just born? Wasn't I just pregnant? Weren't me and Aadi just vacationing in Bali without a care in the world? 

Where did these two years go by... And how did my bumling, my little dot become this walking talking (read : non stop jabbering!!) boy? 

A baby who couldn't roll over now runs in the opposite direction from me everytime I get his medicines...

A baby who would sleep on me every night now passes out on his own... 

He was so dependent on me for everything... And now my god he's actually become his own person... He knows what he wants, what he doesn't want.. And asks for it 

It's crazy! 

Two years ago this week I knew I was going to deliver on 22nd feb... It was a date I had picked... So there was no dramatic waiting for my water to break and all of that..

By now my stomach was massive... I felt like I was carrying a sack of stones... That kicked!!! 

But also by now the pudding and I had bonded.. I would sing to him talk to him and he would react to me... A little roll over, a little nudge... 

He loved sitting on the right side of my tummy...making it lopsided! 

I loved my pregnancy... I enjoyed it even... Not so much the first three months of throwing up or the daily injections for the full term... But these things... The bonding things I enjoyed ...

I couldn't wait for this pudding to come... I remember being scared of the usual things like will I be a good mum? Will I know what to do ? Will I be able to love him like crazy? 

And today I look at my two year old monster and think I did ok... Heck I did good...

He's healthy,he's happy, he's waking talking all ok... He's affectionate as hell.. He goes to anyone, talks to anyone... He eats most things, he sleeps thru the night and has his milk on time... 

I have managed to start working, and he lets me work most times... 

We've found our groove siddy and me... And all those fears I had before he came.. While normal, are irrelevant I think today.. Because no matter what I did or how I did it.. I think a girl just knows how to bring up and look after her baby the second he is born.... 

It's just natural...

So here we are two years down the line reminiscing about the beginning of this journey... And I've realised that every year, as he gets older, I want to be sure to have every memory, every funny story, sad story, every thing recorded... Because before I know it this little baby of mine is going to become a boy, a guy, a man.... 

But seriously for me this is how I will love him the most.... This two year old mental highly energised crazy kook of a kid! 

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

A funny story!

It's been too long since a post no? 

Have been (touch wood) quite busy with work... Plus last month the horrible month of jan had us all down with a cold a cough a fever a bad tummy.. We were just bouncing it off each other! 

Siddy actually got quite sick in between which was super sucky... But now we are all good...! 

Here's a quick fun story : 

So if you have seen a baby's bum you will know that feeling of how it is not just super kissable it's super bite able too.. Right? 

The other day bumling was roaming around minus the diaper and shorts and his bum was just tooooooo edible.. So I put him over my knees and bit his bum!!! 

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! 

Lightly but Ya!! 

A cute it was!! 

I laughed he laughed we all laughed... 

A few hours later I was in the kitchen and he comes in, now all fully clothed, point at his bum and says 

"Mumma please bite my bum"!!!!!

Oh the cuteness that is this pudding!!!! 

Now we have bum biting requests quite frequently!!!