It's true.. For all those who think that the terrible twos don't exist, are a myth.. Are basically a result of your 'bad' parenting for the first two years, you, sir are wrong!
Terrible twos are real...they come out of no where... Your perfectly angelic child will turn into a raging lunatic who will scream and shout and cry and howl all at the same time simply because you removed the i pad from the book shelf and he wants you to put it back.
Mental... I know..
One of the common things people tell me is how good a boy siddy is... How well behaved... How polite .. He always says his thank you, pleases and sorries ...yes even at this young age ( I think they have some funny song about these 'good words ' you must use in school )
Well, he is still well behaved but he has these random meltdowns... Which lead to my meltdowns...
Because after every screaming session there is a crying session for which no one but the Mumma will do...
'Come Mumma' are my two most dreaded words today... Because they mean I must carry that little cow around the house... Usually to the kitchen and I must stand there... Not sit .. Stand.. He's very sure about that.. If I try to sit (because of the weight of the said cow in my arms) he will actually say
" no Mumma get up... Stand up Mumma" all in his super cranky ( read: threatening to scream again) voice.
And so I stand for fifteen minutes, twenty somedays depending on his mood...
It's exhausting... By the fourth tantrum of the day my shoulders hurt, my back hurts... My arms feel limp.... And my brain seems jammed with come Mumma come Mumma echoing inside...
I love my kid... So don't get me wrong... He's amazing and loving.. But somedays the tantrums are for such baseless reasons that it gets annoying and irritating...
Like he gets upset if you don't bring him the right utensil to play with (what is a right utensil you ask? I still don't know)
or he gets upset about us getting his shoes from the room because he wanted to go get it..
Or because he took too long to come to open the door and we open it.. Tantrum...
His car is broken .. Tantrum...
His socks aren't pulled all the way up .. Tantrum..
You see where I'm going?!
So one day, fed up from my brains to my toe, I decided to hide in the room... Because I was just toooo exhausted to deal with him...
It was in the evening and Aadi said he would look after him.. So i went into the room , kept the lights off and sat in the corner of the bed...
In five minutes something sparked the kid off and I could hear howling .. For a second my heart twisted into a knot... Should I go out or should I let Aadi deal with it... I waited a little and the crying became harder and louder and the words " where is Mumma?" Kept coming up...
My room door wasn't shut, and in a few minutes this little thing walks in, tear stained face , devastated look in his eyes... 'How could you not come to me if you are at home'
And so I picked him up and stood in the kitchen for a while... He calmed down and got to playing again.
I sat on a chair next to him while he played with his dad.
After a while, out of no where he comes to me, pats me on my shoulder and says
"good girl Mumma... You're a good girl"
Terrible twos or terribly adorable twos?!!!!