It's time to pick a college... you pick a college...
Its time to get a job... you get a job...
Its time to get married.... you get married....
Its time to have a baby.... you don't have a baby....
Never ever ever have a baby because its the obvious next step.... no way.... its the absolute last reason to have a baby... no wait... I take that back... the absolute last reason to have a baby is if your marriage is on the rocks....
But next to that.... just because its time or its the next step in a marriage...NOPE... don't do it...
A kid... a baby is a part of you... its a part of your partner... its something you two create together in a moment of sheer love.... its magic.... its knowing that you have made this one beautiful little thing that belongs only to you... that will be yours no matter what happens in this world... something that will look at you and see his whole world... that will run to you for love, protection validation... everything... its having something that no one else has because its your own unique little combination...
and to be able to see that everyday day in and day out... to be able to hug and kiss that little thing is the only reason to have him... to know what unconditional love is... not to complete or tick mark the next thing in your life...